Friday, February 12, 2010

Recycling in China

Think about it! Over 2.5 billion people create a humungous amount of waste every day. Everywhere you look rubbish is piled up for disposal. Over the last couple of years recycling has become more noticeable in all cities in China. Vehicles of every shape and size are picking up recyclable products such as cardboard, plastic bottles and industrial metal waste for recylcing. Smaller vehicles such as push bikes and motorbikes collect plastics, cardboard etc and deliver their loads to the local depots to be loaded onto truckts to be taken away for processing.
Today I decided to take some photos of recycling. Over the last four days I have seen vehicles ranging from push bikes to trucks stacked high with recyclable products.
The morning started well, the majority of these images were taken while driving between factories, however the afternoon went belly up when the rain was like rain = all the bikes etc go into hiding. Anyway I managed to get a few shots.

Image One: Motorbike and trailer with giant nets full of plastic bottles, this is a small load, I have seen them stacked three nets high.

Image Two: Motorbike stacked with bales of plastic ready for recycling.

Image Three: Industrial metal waste chugging along the road at jogging speed!

Image four: Truck piled high with cardboard, no such thing as maximum load height, so long as they can get under the bridges problem!

Image Five: Three wheeled bike used locally to collect cardboard taken mid morning, not too much collected. I have seen these stacked over two metres high!

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